Wednesday, November 15, 2023

November Bunco Hosted by Bonnie and Dorene

Can we spin on a dime and regroup when we need to?  Yes we can!  Krisann was scheduled to host this month, but due to family concerns, she had to take an excused absence.  I reached out to Bonnie and Dorene who gladly said they would host .... Bonnie opened her home for us, and Dorene was head chef.  It worked out wonderfully. 

It was a fun night, lots of laugher, talking and friends taking care of friends.

For our December 13th Bunco at Toni's, we are asking that each player bring a $10 gift card to exchange.  We will place our gift card at our table place, and the winners of each round will pick a gift card that they will take to the next table.  Continue until the game ends.  Same concept as we've done in the past with earrings and ornaments, but this year with $10 gift cards.  Cha-Ching!

Thanks to Patty and Sandie for subbing this month.  We missed Dawn, Krisann, Rose and Toni.

Most Buncos: Toni R
Most Wins: Tammy H
Last Bunco: Dorene
Most Snake Eyes: Sandie
Most Trips: Lisa
Most Losses: Patty

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